
Summer Reading List

Summer is really here!  This last weekend was the hottest it’s been this year and even though cooler weather has returned for a spell it still feels like summer.  Going into the season I knew I wanted to tackle one monster of a book (in size not harryness) and get lost within its pages.  Typically when I am reading kids books I can breeze through one a week, but for the summer I really wanted to spend some quality time with the characters of some book and get lost in the story for awhile.  The book I chose just happens to be Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke.  It is a three volume book and just monstrous enough to suit my taste.


Here’s the thing: I’m already on volume three and halfway through at that!  So, today I started to create a towering list of fantastic books all reserved for me at the library!  After doing some internet searching to see what books are all the rage right now I realized that I am curious to hear what everyone else is reading this summer.  What is your summer reading list?  What have you read or are reading or want to read? I’d love to hear!

Here are a few of the other books on my list of books to read before the summer draws to a close:

The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet by Reif Larsen

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

Marcelo in the Real World by Francisco X. Stork

Ignatius MacFarland : Frequenaut!  by Paul Feig

Peak by Roland Smith

The Van Gogh Cafe by Cynthia Rylant

Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz

Your turn…

4 thoughts on “Summer Reading List

  1. Let’s see…

    Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton (Reread)

    The Road by Cormac McCarthy

    The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor

    Next by Michael Crichton

    …there’s probably more, by that’s at the fore front for the summer.

    And I enjoy the blog, Etrain. Very much.

  2. Okay so I know it sounds a bit partial but it is a pure delight to read your blog. I’ve read others and enjoy them but find myself going to yours ….way too many times…to see if there is anything new. You are a wordsmith who crafts a sentence like a bird it’s nest. Choosing the perfect descriptions and querries that it causes me to want to read…and read…and read some more. And it’s not like I need to be prodded because I LOVE BOOKS!! Yet somehow your blog deepens that love, turns it into a hunger and I want to walk into a library and get lost. Lost in the hundreds of books that reside there. Slowly looking for the perfect choice of the moment and inhaling the smell of the pages. The perfume of millions of pages from ages past….where is my library card???

    Reading list at the moment:

    First Family by David Baldacci
    Drood by Dan Simmons
    Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo
    Pride and Prejudic by Jane Austen
    Revolution Within by Dwight Edwards

    plus..a few from your blog.

  3. thanks mom and sean for the nice comments! and for leaving your summer reading lists! Speaking of Pride and Prejudice, I actually just picked up a comic book today by Marvel that is P&P. Should be interesting!

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